Housemates wanted - Lake Naivasha, North Lake Road
We are looking for one or two housemates to share a beautiful old house on the shore of Lake Naivasha, situated in amongst the farming community »
So we have a lot of rocket in the garden, we don't really get as much basil. So, I thought I would attempt 'Rocket Pesto'. We »
Ingredients 1 cup marge 1 1/2 brown sugar 6 tbsp cocoa 4 eggs, beaten 1 pinch salt 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 cup self raising »
Ingredients 6 eggs 6 tbsp sugar 12 heaped tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 3 tsp baking powder Milk 6 tbsp butter Method Beat eggs & sugar »
We are looking for one or two housemates to share a beautiful old house on the shore of Lake Naivasha, situated in amongst the farming community »
I'm cheating slightly with the albums I have available. Nobody wants to see wall-to-wall photos of a long dead family and their exploits. They are of »
Along with documenting family trips, there is a lot of material from home and the surrounding area. My Great Grandmother grew up at Sindlesham Mill in »
As i've said before my Great Grandmother aside from having wonderful handwriting, was very organised. The first set of photos were in an envelope labelled "Good »
My grandfather died just before Christmas 2013, it was so close we had the funeral on Christmas eve... Needless to say it was a pretty sober »
Today is my 90th day in Kenya, important because that's the day my tourist visa expires. Not to worry, I got it extended. When you drive »
Clearly there was no need to prepare back in October 2013... I didn't get around to actually blogging more! However I do have some fun projects »